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What is Azure Functions runtime version settings and daily usage quota(GB-Sec)

By Ashok Nalam on 23 Sep 2020 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure azure functions azure portal 
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In the Azure Functions App, we have Function runtime settings which contains two settings
  1. Runtime Version
  2. Daily Usage Quota(GB-Sec)

Where to find Function runtime settings

Open your Azure Function App from Azure Portal> Settings > Configuration > Function runtime settings

Runtime Version

Azure functions supports 3 versions of runtime host 1.x, 2.x and 3.x.  Azure Function Runtime is a specific version runtime where your function app runs on top of it. Once you develop and deploy the function app with a specific runtime host it shows runtime version values (relevant values are ~1, ~2  or ~3) in Runtime version. 

If you change the value of runtime it updates your Application Settings with Key “FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION”.

Application Settings - Runtime version

   "value": "~3",
   "slotSetting": false

Note: If you are changing runtime value 3 to  1, you will get a message as “Your app is currently running version ~3 and has existing functions. Switching to version ~1 is not recommended since it can introduce breaking changes to languages and bindings. Are you sure you want to continue?” Before you change runtime setting, make sure your app and code is working.

Fig : Azure Functions runtime settings

Daily Usage Quota(GB-Sec)

The other option we have under Function runtime settings is Daily Usage Quota which is useful if you are running your Function in consumption plan. Your function app pricing depends on the amount of memory you consume. By setting daily usage quota, your function app will be stopped until the next day at 0:00AM UTC once it reaches the defined limit.

Azure Function Pricing (Text from Azure Pricing calculator)

Azure Functions consumption plan is billed based on per-second resource consumption and executions.  Consumption plan pricing includes a monthly free grant of 1 million requests and 4,00,000 GB-s of resource consumption per month per subscription in pay-as-you-go pricing across all function apps in that subscription.

GB-Sec is important factor on your pricing so configure Daily Usage Quota limits to control your consumption and pricing.

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