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How do you reverse a number in C# for loop?
Ashok Nalam
In this snippet, we will write a program that reverses an array using for loop in c#.
By: Ashok Nalam | 18 Jan 2021 | C# | Views: 2591 | Comments: 0 | Tags:array  C#  for-loop  reverse 
What is the difference between CLR and DLR in C#?
Abhishek Choubey

 What is DLR?
  • DLR is a runtime environment that adds a set of services for dynamic languages to the CLR.
  • DLR makes it easier to develop dynamic languages to run on .net framework and give them .net interoperability.
  • DLR introduces dynamic objects in C#
  • DLR helps you create libraries that support dynamic operations
  • Examples of languages developed by using DLR is IronPython,IronRuby etc.
What is CLR?
  • As part of the Microsoft  .NET Framework, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the programming (Virtual Machine component) that manages the execution of programs written in any language that uses the .NET Framework, for example C#, VB.Net, F# and so on.
  • Programmers write code in any language, including VB.Net, C# and F# when they compile their programs into an intermediate form of code called CLI in a portable execution file (PE) that can be managed and used by the CLR and then the CLR converts  it into machine code to be will executed by the processor.
  • The information about the environment, programming language, its version and what class libraries will be used for this code are stored in the form of metadata with the compiler that tells the CLR how to handle this code.
  • The CLR allows an instance of a class written in one language to call a method of the class written in another language.
By: Abhishek Choubey | 27 Nov 2020 | C# | Views: 2225 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  C# 
Reverse array without using in-built function in C#.NET
Ashok Nalam
In this snippet we will write a program which reverses an array with out using any in-built C#.NET function. Basically it shifts all elements from an array from left side to right side.
By: Ashok Nalam | 20 Dec 2019 | C# | Views: 8258 | Comments: 0 | Tags:array  C#  reverse  sorting 
C#.NET Program to read a 4-digit integer and output the sum of its digits
Ashok Nalam
In this snippet we will write C#.NET program to read a four digit integer and output the sum of its digits. Example: If user enters number as 1234 then the output will be 1+2+3+4=9.
By: Ashok Nalam | 16 Mar 2015 | C# | Views: 52786 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  number 
C#.NET string palindrome program without using string functions
Ashok Nalam
In this snippet we will write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome string or not with out using any built-in string function.
By: Ashok Nalam | 15 Mar 2015 | C# | Views: 17806 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  palindrome  string 
C# 6.0 : Use static class reference in "Using" statement
Ashok Nalam
By: Ashok Nalam | 25 Nov 2014 | C# | Views: 8897 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  C# 6.0  static  using  visual studio 2015 
Programatically save an image/resource from a Web URL using C# and VB.NET
Ashok Nalam
The snippet shows how to copy image from web URL to local machine using WebClient.DownloadFile method with C# and VB.NET examples.
By: Ashok Nalam | 17 Apr 2014 | C# | Views: 93166 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  ASP.NET  C#  VB.NET 
C#.NET : DateTime.Now Month output format
Ashok Nalam
The snippet shows how to print double digit number for DateTime.Now.Month and also different .ToString() formats supported by month.
By: Ashok Nalam | 11 Mar 2014 | C# | Views: 92746 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  datetime  number 
.NET program to convert list string to comma separated string
Ashok Nalam
The snippet shows how to convert list of string values to comma separated string values in quicker way using String.Join method.
By: Ashok Nalam | 29 Jan 2014 | C# | Views: 11336 | Comments: 0 | Tags:list  string 
Program to print rectangle with stars using C#.NET
Ashok Nalam
The Program to prints rectangle with stars using C#.NET.
By: Ashok Nalam | 23 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 23277 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  number 
C#.NET program to find the sum of odd-positioned digits and even-positioned digits of a given number
Ashok Nalam
The program finds the sum of odd-positioned digits and even-positioned digits of a given number using C#.NET example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 19 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 13129 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  number 
write a .NET program to find the sum of odd-positioned digits and even-positioned digits of a given number
Ashok Nalam
The program finds the sum of odd-positioned digits and even-positioned digits of a given number using C#.NET example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 18 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 5830 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  number 
read int value from enum - C#.NET Example
Ashok Nalam
The snippet shows how to read enum value using casting, Enum.Parse and Extension method.
By: Ashok Nalam | 16 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 6016 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  casting  enum  extension-methods  parsing 
Using string.Format with Eval in GridView.TemplateField.ItemTemplate
Ashok Nalam
By: Ashok Nalam | 14 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 10950 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  gridview  string 
String split by multiple characters - C#.NET Example
Ashok Nalam
Snippet shows how to split string by multiple characters delimiter using C#.NET Example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 13 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 17708 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  string 
Write C#.NET program to find the length of string without using library function
Ashok Nalam
In one of forum, someone asked to Write C#.NET program to find the length of string without using library function. So in this snippet we will see find the length of string without using any built function or string function.
By: Ashok Nalam | 13 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 17341 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  string 
Count number of vowels in a string using C#.NET
Ashok Nalam
Snippet counts number of vowels in a string using C#.NET
By: Ashok Nalam | 10 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 12835 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  string 
How to add identity column to datatable using c#
Ashok Nalam
This snippet shows how to add identity column to datatable with an example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 10 Dec 2013 | C# | Views: 11009 | Comments: 1 | Tags:.NET 
"as" operator keyword in C#.NET
Ashok Nalam
The article discuss about "as" operator keyword with Examples and shows difference between as keyword and cast expression.
By: Ashok Nalam | 28 Nov 2013 | C# | Views: 5105 | Comments: 0 | Tags:keyword  operator 
Difference between string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace and string.IsNullOrEmpty
Ashok Nalam
The snippet covers difference between string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace and string.IsNullOrEmpty using an example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 19 Nov 2013 | C# | Views: 13800 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  difference  string 
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