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Disable XAML designer by default in Visual Studio

By Ashok Nalam on 19 Nov 2014 | Category: WPF | Tagged: xaml visual studio 
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If you are working on large scale WPF application and habituated to writing XAML code instead of drag/drop controls in designer then it becomes more annoyed to see designer taking lot of time in background when you open XAML file. 

loading designer

In order to disable XAML designer loading in Visual Studio do the following ways.

1. Setting full XAML view

Go to Menu > Tools –> Option... > Text Editor > XAML > Miscellaneous > Default View > Check "Always open documents in full XAML view".

Always open documents in full XAML view

2. Using Open with and Set as Default:

We can set default editor as "Source code editor" for .XAML using open with option. Right click on .xaml file in project > click on Open with... > select "Source Code (Text) Editor" > click on Set as Default button > OK.

xaml open with

xaml open with set as default

Now every time you open XAML file it opens in code mode.
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