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Global variables in WPF/WinForms/MVVM

By Ashok Nalam on 12 Dec 2013 | Category: WPF | Tagged: .NET variable 
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In Windows application development we need global variables which can be used across application and multiple forms (Form1, Form2, etc.). Below code shows how to create/access global variables using static class and singleton pattern.

Using Static Class:

public static class Global
      public static string MyProperty{get;set;}

string data = Global.MyProperty

Using Singleton Class:

Global class implements the Singleton pattern so that there is only one of Global class instances in the application.
public class Global
    private static readonly Global instance = new Global();
    public static Global Instance
            return instance;
    private Global()
    public string MyProperty
string data = Global.Instance.MyProperty

MVVM with Singleton:

Add below GlobalInstance property to your BaseViewModel class( class which inherited by all view-models).
public Global GlobalInstance
        get { return Global.Instance; }
<Label Content="{Binding GlobalInstance.MyProperty, Mode=OneWay}" ... />
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1. By ZAP on 23 Oct 2023

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