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Display line numbers in visual studio

By Ashok Nalam on 30 Jul 2014 | Category: Visual Studio | Tagged: .NET 
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Sometimes we see that line number are not showing up in visual studio. Line numbers are useful when you are showing up your code in a demo and someone wants to give instruction at particular line of code.

To display line numbers in visual studio
From menu bar select Tools Options Text Editor All Languages > General > Display > Check Line numbers checkbox

Code file without line numbers:

Code file without line numbers

Turn on Line numbers:

Turn on Line numbers using settings

Code file with line numbers:

Code file with line number

Note: This setting will be applicable to all languages of visual studio. If you want to disable for specific language go to language specific settings and un-check line numbers checkbox.
E.g: Tools > Options > TextEditor > C# > General > Display > Check Line numbers checkbox

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