In the below code, we will see how to iterating through the table rows data with out using cursor in SQL server.
declare @tempEmpTable table(EmpID int , EmpName nvarchar(100))
declare @varEmpID int, @varEmpName nvarchar(100)
insert into @tempEmpTable
select 1, '1st Employee' union all
select 2, '2nd Employee' union all
select 3, '3rd Employee' union all
select 4, '4th Employee' union all
select 5, '5th Employee' union all
select 6, '6th Employee' union all
select 7, '7th Employee' union all
select 8, '8th Employee' union all
select 9, '9th Employee'
select top 1 @varEmpID = EmpID, @varEmpName = EmpName from @tempEmpTable
while @varEmpID is not null
print @varEmpName
delete @tempEmpTable where @varEmpID = EmpID
set @varEmpID = null
select top 1 @varEmpID = EmpID, @varEmpName = EmpName from @tempEmpTable
1st Employee
2nd Employee
3rd Employee
4th Employee
5th Employee
6th Employee
7th Employee
8th Employee
9th Employee
Note: make sure that while deleting the entry row from table it should delete one entry at a time.