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Why to use Azure App Service?

By Ashok Nalam on 11 Apr 2024 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure app service azure functions 
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Azure App Service is a full managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) which enables to build and deploy web applications, Restful API’s, mobile back ends without managing underlying infrastructure with the choice of your programming language like .NET, .NET Core, Java, PHP, Python or Ruby. Application can run and scale on both windows and Linux environments.

Below are few features of Azure App service and based on this you can choose the service.

  1. Built-in Auto scale support – App service can be configured to scale up/down or scale in/out automatically based on your usage. Scale up/down increase the cores and RAM where as in/out increases or decreases the number of instances that are running your app.
  2. High Availability – Deploy your apps anywhere in Microsoft global data centers and with the right plan App service provides high availability for your application.
  3. IDE Integration – you can create, deploy and debug your azure app service application using visual studio, visual studio code, Java IDEs’ like Maven, Eclipse, IntelliJ. 
  4. Continuous Integration and Deployment support – In the Azure portal, App service provides continuous integration and deployment with sources like Azure DevOps, GitHub, Bitbucket, FTP or local Git Repo from your local machine. Connect your application with the sources and App service will automatically synchronize your changes in the future. 
  5. Deployment Slots – when you deploy your web app you can use separate deployment slot(staging) instead of production slot to test your changes with standard tier and above. Deployment slots have its own separate host names and you can swap content and configurations between deployment slots including the production slot. The swap operation warms up necessary worker processes to match your production scale with no downtime. 
  6. Authentication – App service provides built-in authentication and authorization capability so your users can login to the App and access data based on the permissions with minimal changes to your code. You can use third party identity providers Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Twitter and GitHub.
  7. Multi language and Framework support – you can develop your application or APIs with .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python or Java of your choice even you can write power shell script to run back ground jobs. Easily manage your apps in App service by writing Power shell or Azure CLI scripts. 
  8. Integrate with other services and SaaS Platforms – Easily integrate with other Azure service like API management, Azure SQL, Logic apps (SaaS connectors) and many more. You can access your on-premises data using Hybrid connection or Azure virtual network configuration with app service. 
  9. API and Mobile scenarios - App service provided CORS support for Rest API’s and supports mobile apps scenarios like authentication, push notifications and offline data synchronization. 
  10. Serverless Functions – you can use Azure App Service to run Azure functions with out managing underlying infrastructure. You will pay only for the compute time when your code is executed. 

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