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How to change subscription for your Azure Function App

By Ashok Nalam on 01 Sep 2020 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure azure functions azure portal 
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After creating an Azure Function App in one subscription, sometimes we want to move or change to another Azure subscription. In the Azure Portal, we can easily change Azure Function App subscription using the below steps.

Step 1:
Open your Function App and you can see the subscription change link from Function App Overview details. 

Azure Function App - Change subscription
Fig 1: Azure Function App - Change subscription

Step 2: 
Click on the change link(refer Fig 1) and “Move resources” page appears. It shows “Resource to move” which is your azure function and “Resource to move(optional)” which are related to your Function App. Better you move all related resources.

Azure function App - Move resources to other subscription
Fig 2: Azure Function App - Move resources to other subscription

Step 3: 
From the section “Move these resources to”, select your other existing subscription and resource group(destination). You can create new resource group as well.

Click on Ok and after some time your Function App and related resources will be moved to a subscription and resource group you selected.

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