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Find app service hosting plan of your existing azure function app

By Ashok Nalam on 29 Aug 2020 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure azure functions azure portal azure cli azure shell 
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Find out Azure Function App Service Plan from Portal

While creating azure functions, you must choose a hosting plan for your app. The plans will be App Service Plan, Consumption Plan and Premium Plan. 

Once your app is created, to find out the existing hosting plan used by your function app in azure portal, open your function app >  navigate to Overview tab > you can find “App Service Plan'' link. Click on the App service plan, to find more details of your plan.

 Azure Function - App Service Plan
Fig1: Azure Function - App Service Plan

Find out Azure Function App Service Plan using  CLI

Also, you can find out your azure function plan using Azure CLI with below  command
aspId=$(az functionapp show --name dnmazfnapphelloworld --resource-group azrgnewfunction --query appServicePlanId --output tsv)
az appservice plan list --query "[?id=='$aspId'].sku.tier" --output tsv
Note: In the command, dnmazfnapphelloworld is function name and azrgnewfunction is resource group name.

Once you execute above commands in CLI, the output string will be one of following
  1. Dynamic  - It is Consumption plan
  2. ElasticPremium - It is Premium plan
  3. Other Output - It is App Service Plan
Azure Function - Find App Service Plan with CLI
Fig: Azure Function - Find App Service Plan with CLI
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