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Add team days off and team member days off in sprint capacity on Azure Boards

By Ashok Nalam on 23 Aug 2020 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure azure devops azure boards 
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In Azure Boards, while working with sprints we define the capacity of the team and during the same time you can add team members days off or team days off so that sprint capacity does not consider days off which are defined in capacity tab.

How to add days off for Team member

Select team member days off link which opens Days off for: [Team member name] dialog box and you can add days off with start date and end date. If there are multiple days off in between sprint dates you can use “Add additional days off” 

Fig  1 - Sprint capacity - Add days off for team member

How to add days off for entire team

Select Team days off link which opens Days off for the entire team dialog box and you can add days off. If there are multiple days off in between sprint dates you can use “Add additional days off”. These days off are applicable to your whole team.

Fig  2 - Sprint capacity - Add days off for entire member

With this days off, you sprint planning and tracking tools consider days off for team members while calculating sprint capacity and burn-down.

Note: Start date and End dates of days off must be within Sprint iteration dates.

How days off shows on Sprint Planning and Work details

Below figures show impact of your days off defined in sprint capacity.

Fig  3 - Sprint Working days reduced by 2 days with team days off

Fig 4 - Sprint Working days reduced by further 1 day for team member "Dotnet Mirror"

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