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can finally block have return statement

By Ashok Nalam on 11 Jul 2013 | Category: C# | Tagged: exception error 
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No. Finally block can not have return statement. If we write return statement in finally block, compiler throws error as "Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause". To understand it easily, we will see the example.
namespace DotNetMirror
    class FinallyReturn
        public static void Main()
        public static string Foo()
            string str = "string before try block";
            Console.WriteLine("I am before try block");
                Console.WriteLine("I am in try block");
                return "return from try block";
                str = "return from catch block";
                return "return from catch block";
                Console.WriteLine("I am in finally block");
                str = "return from finally block";
                //return str; // compile-error: Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause
            Console.WriteLine("I am outside try block");  // warning: Unreachable code  detected.Due to return statement in catch block
            return str;


I am before try block
I am in try block
I am in finally block
return from try block

  • try/catch block can have return statement but finally block cannot
  • Writing return statement in finally block, throws compile time error as "Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause"
  • Even though there is a return statement in try block, still finally block executes. You can observe from the output.
  • If try block has return statement, then code after finally block does not execute. That's why string "I am outside try block" is not printed in console output.
Note: If you add throw new Exception("raise exception"); before return statement of try block, then output will be
I am before try block I am in try block I am in finally block return from catch block

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