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convert IP address to binary format using IPAddress Class in C#.NET

By Ashok Nalam on 15 Dec 2012 | Category: C# | Tagged: ip-address binary converter 
In this snippet we will see how to convert an IP address to binary format using System.Net.IPAddress class.
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In this snippet we will see how to convert an IP address to binary format using System.Net.IPAddress class.

IPAddress class contains the address of a computer on an IP network and supports IPv4 or IPv6.

static List<string> ConvertIPAddressToBinary(string input)
           IEnumerable<string> binaries= IPAddress.Parse(input).GetAddressBytes().Select( x=> Convert.ToString                 	   (Convert.ToInt32(x), 2).PadLeft(8, '0'));
           return binaries.ToList();

static void Main()
            List<string> listBinaries = ConvertIPAddressToBinary(“”)
            foreach (string binary in listBinaries)
                Console.Write(binary + " ");


11000000 10101000 00000000 00000001
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