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read int value from enum - C#.NET Example

By Ashok Nalam on 16 Dec 2013 | Category: C# | Tagged: enum .NET extension-methods parsing casting 
The snippet shows how to read enum value using casting, Enum.Parse and Extension method.
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The snippet shows how to read enum value using casting, Enum.Parse and Extension method.
public enum TimeOfDay
        Morning = 1,
        Afternoon = 2,
        Evening = 3,
        Night = 4

Read using Cast:

int eveTimeVal = (int)TimeOfDay.Evening;
Console.WriteLine(eveTimeVal); //output: 3;

Read using Enum.Parse:

TimeOfDay timeEve = (TimeOfDay)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeOfDay), "Evening");
Console.WriteLine((int)timeEve);  //output: 3;

Reading using Extension method:

public static class EnumExtensions
        public static int GetEnumValue(this TimeOfDay timeOfDay)
            return (int)timeOfDay;
int value = TimeOfDay.Evening.GetEnumValue();
Console.WriteLine(value); //output: 3;

Overall Example:

using System;
namespace DotNetMirror
    class ReadEnumIntValue
        static void Main()
            //Using casting
            int eveTimeVal = (int)TimeOfDay.Evening;
            Console.WriteLine(eveTimeVal); //output: 3;

            //Using Enum.Parse
            TimeOfDay timeEve = (TimeOfDay)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeOfDay), "Evening");
            Console.WriteLine((int)timeEve);  //output: 3;

            //using Extenstion Method
            int value = TimeOfDay.Evening.GetEnumValue();
            Console.WriteLine(value); //output: 3;

    public enum TimeOfDay
        Morning = 1,
        Afternoon = 2,
        Evening = 3,
        Night = 4
    public static class EnumExtensions
        public static int GetEnumValue(this TimeOfDay timeOfDay)
            return (int)timeOfDay;

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