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Snippetizer : Visual Studio tool to create and edit snippets

By Ashok Nalam on 16 Jan 2014 | Category: Visual Studio | Tagged: visual studio 2013 .NET 
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Code Snippets are very important in day to day development. We might need a piece of code regularly so instead of writing every time, from now we can save and reuse code snippet using Snippetizer extension tool which is available from visual studio 2013 version.


Visual Studio extension which allows the user to create and edit snippets with minimal knowledge of the underlying snippet technology and syntax.

Download Snippetizer and run Snippetizer.vsix (OR) install using below method (Tools > Extensions and Updates > Online > Search "snippetizer" )


Once Snippetizer extension is installed, restart the visual studio and your ready to use features of Snippetizer.

Create Snippet:
Write your piece of code > select your code which you want to create as snippet > Right Click > from context menu select  "Create Snippet" > shows below Peek definition(Snippet Preview) window.

Save Snippet:
Once you are done with setting snippet definition properties > click on Save from snippet preview bar > Opens Save as window with path locates "C:\Users\User_Name\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Code Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets" > Provide Name for Snippet.

Note: code snippet file extension is ".snippet".

Use Snippet:
Right Click > Insert Snippet > select snippet from My Code Snippets.

Edit Snippet:
Right Click > Edit Snippet > Opens Snippet Defination Peek window(snippet preview) like how it was in Create Snippet > Do your changes > Save.

Delete Snippet:
Open saved snippet location > "C:\Users\User_Name\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Code Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets" > Delete file.

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